Heather Cullen

BOSS mama coming thru.


People often ask me how I’m so positive or how I have it all together. Girl. BYE.

My sweet adorable babe screams at me when he wants something and I JUST SMILE AND LAUGH BECAUSE, WHAT ELSE AM I GOING TO DO?


I feel like my life is going so fast I can’t even keep up with it.

I forget things all the time, and keep wondering where I put my calendar or my latest to do list.


When my life feels out of control, I jump in our girl gang and remember I’m not the only one with chaos going on. I send a positive quote that shifted my energy that morning, and I get 15 responses of “wow needed that” and I’m reminded that we are all in this together. 


I drink my morning cocktail of energy tea and collagen, and feel like I put my superwoman cape on. I’ve been on this fitness and health journey for a while now. 

 I have mom abs, I know how to help people. I got a full ride scholarship to play volleyball at UCLA, but that doesn’t mean I know how to survive this #momlife. 

That takes support. That takes intention. That takes this tribe. 


We got this.

Mel Clark

Even with all the IG pics & stories, I still don’t know how to properly tell you my front 6 teeth are fake. LOL. They really are though!


Now that we’ve jumped into the vulnerability bed together…HI I’m Mel.

An ex athlete,

ex Taco Bell drive thru-er,

ex negative self-talker,

& an ex lost millennial.


I’ve uncovered my Queen AF power starting with my eating habits. Once I dropped 13lbs in 30 days, & actually was excited to get ready everyday I knew I had to share what I’ve learned with any girl in my old circumstances.

I am now full of energy, confidence, strength, & love.


I actually enjoy working out VS doing it because I felt guilty for the double double animal style the night before (PS still eat these now, & love myself every bite).


The physical results have ignited the internal discoveries. Beliefs that I'm not good enough, or I'm too much, or I can't be successful have been getting weaker every day. I'm truly excited you're reading this, because i know its possible for you too.

One baby step at a time.